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껍질이 벗겨 떨어지다 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • peel
  • 벗겨 떨어지다    peel
  • 떨어지다    떨어지다1 [낙하하다·추락하다] fall;
  • 벗겨져 떨어지다    scale
  • 표면이 벗겨 떨어지다    peel
  • 껍질이 벗겨진    squamous; premycotic; scaly
  • 벗겨져 떨어지는    scaly
  • 굴러 떨어지다    roll down
  • 닳아 떨어지다    wear; wear out
  • 동떨어지다    동떨어지다1 [멀리 떨어지다] be far apart ; be remote ; be far[distant] ; be divorced . 동떨어진 곳 a remote[an out-of-the-way] place. 인가에서 동떨어진 집 a house far (apart) from a village[in an out-of-the-way place] / a s
  • 뒤떨어지다    뒤떨어지다1 [뒤에 처지다] be behind; [뒤에 남다] leave (behind); remain[stay] behind. 혼자 ~ be left (all) alone. 행군에서 ~ fall out while on the march. 모두들 떠났으나 그만이 뒤떨어졌다 All left but he was staying behind. 그녀는 멀찌감치
  • 떨어지다    떨어지다1 [낙하하다·추락하다] fall; drop; get[have] a fall; come[go] down; be down; (비행기 등이) crash; (액체가) drip. 굴러 ~ tumble down. 2층에서 ~ fall downstairs. 말[사다리]에서 ~ fall off[from] one's horse[a ladder]. 자전거에서 ~
  • 똑똑 떨어지다    spot; trickle; dribble; leakage
  • 보다 떨어지다    below
  • 잎이 떨어지다    deforest
  • 정떨어지다    정떨어지다 [情-] become disgusted ; be disaffected ; fall out of love ; grow sick[tired] . 그 생각을 하면 정떨어진다 It makes me sick to think of it. 그녀는 그의 촌스러운 몸가짐에 정떨어졌다 She was repelled by his rustic manners. 그녀
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